How to Comment at the Hearing | General Requirements |
Definitions | Operating Requirements |
Testing Requirements | Conditional Requirements |
Monitoring Requirements | Recordkeeping and Reporting |
The fact that DEP is allowing this even if the incinerator fails its stack tests is unconscionable. We need to call them on this.
Below is the Notice of Intent to Issue a Plan Approval that ran in the PA Bulletin on Sat., 8/18. You will be able to submit comments until September 25th, at a minimum.
This is our official opportunity to say the Incinerator should not be operating, that it is an environmental disaster (which is amply demonstrated by its (non)-compliance history and high dioxin levels) and that we demand shutdown based on the recent stack test failure.
If possible, when you send in comments to the DEP, please also send a copy to the community organizers.
22-05007:The Harrisburg Authority (1670 South 19th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104) for modification and operation of the Harrisburg Materials, Energy, Recycling and Recovery Facility in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County.
Plan Approval No. 22-05007 authorizes physical modifications that will limit the capacity of each of the two existing combustor units to less than 250 tons per day of municipal waste. The plan approval will include conditions for shakedown and testing of the de-rated combustors.
The plan approval will include the following conditions for operating and testing of the de-rated combustors as well as monitoring of their performance and record keeping:
Leif Ericson
Air Quality Program Manager
Southcentral Regional Office
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Air Protection Division
U.S. EPA Region III
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA
Four-Hour Block: refers to the arithmetic average of four consecutive hourly averages measured over the 4-hour time periods from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m.; 4 a.m. to 8 a.m.; 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.; 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.; 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; and 8 p.m. to 12 a.m..
24-Hour Block: refers to the 24 hour period rolling arithmetic averaging period calculated from the 6 preceding 4-hour block averaging periods.
245 TPD Steam Limit: refers to the 54,189 lbs/hour of steam which is the steam flow calculated by the applicant as corresponding to 245 tons per day waste feed rate averaged over any 24-hour block for each waste combustor unit as verified by testing.
250 TPD Steam Limit: refers to the 55,295 lbs/hour of steam which is the steam flow calculated by the applicant as corresponding to 250 tons per day waste feed rate averaged over any 4-hour block for each waste combustor unit as verified by testing.
Monitoring Equipment: refers to all equipment and instrumentation necessary to determine process variables including, without limitation, devices to measure steam flow, temperatures, carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen levels, fan amperage, computer systems, electronics and other parameters.
Startup commences with the introduction of municipal waste into the empty combustor unit.
Shutdown commences with the cessation of charging of the combustor with municipal waste for the express purpose of shutting down the combustor unit.
Steam interlock system refers to technology that automatically stops waste charging to the combustors when the monitored steam flow exceeds the values corresponding to the waste feed limits previously specified.
Programmable logic control system is the electronic hardware and computer software elements integral to the steam interlock system.
Operating Requirements
Testing Requirements
Conditional Requirements
The bimonthly stack testing is in addition to testing referenced in Condition No. 16.
(1)sifting valves (6)vibration pan seal and doors
(2)front boiler door panels (7)air pre-heater seals
(3)boiler inspection ports (8)ESP seals
(4)quench basins (9)expansion joints
(5)MSW feed chutes (10)boiler/stoker connection seals